show.rooms_global - Mapping the Unseen
Mapping LGBTIQ
4.–9. 11. 2019 Dordićeva 8a/II, Zagreb, HR
With the artistic research project Mapping the Unseen, which is based on show.Rooms_global, further topics could be made visible, research could be deepened and a virtual archive could be created.
The first project took place in Croatia in 2019 and in Austria in 2020. The connection to the association Vox feminae/Common Zone, was led by the Guide Dina Ivan and Vox Feminae has chosen the taboo topic LGBTIQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, intersexual, queer). As Dina lived and worked both in Klagenfurt and Zagreb, she qualified as a guide in this project. As a result, the Vox feminae/Common Zone designed a program in an office space, a youth organization for peace and reconciliation work, entitled.
„Re-traditionalization of Croatian society, in the sphere of politics, media and education, is followed by re-traditionalization of culture and contemporary means of artistic expression..(...) This societal turmoil is hitting LGBTIQ community particularly hard." Common Zone
place: Zagreb,Dordićeva 8a/II
time: 4.-9.November, 2019
organizers: Mapping the Unseen & Vox feminae/Common Zone
host: Vox feminae/Common Zone
Monday, November 4th
6:00 PM Mapping the Unseen Projectdescription | opening
6:00 PM Matija Peček: Duality of the Human Element | exhibition
6:00 PM Rina Barbarić: Room for Losing Your Virginity | installation and exhibition
8:00 PM Amir Hodžić, Slaven Crnić: Opening lecture: history and concept origins of queer theory
Tuesday, November 5th
4:00 PM Biographical Workshop by Rosalia Kopeinig |workshop
6:00 PM Rainbow Families: Enacting LGBTIQ parenthood | talk
Wednesday, November 6th
4:00 Biographical Workshop by Rosalia Kopeinig |workshop
6:00 PM Leonida Kovač: Fierce Women – Nasta Rojc | lecture
Thursday, November 7th
7:00 PM House of Flamingo: Burlesque as an Performance-art Practice | talk
8:00 PM Luka Prelas i Tihomir Babić: Made by Our Bodies | music performance
Friday, November 8th
6:00 PM Screenings of the recent Croatian LGBTIQ film productions
8:00 PM Nina Dragičević: The Music Between Them - Music in construction of lesbian communities | lecture and social event
Saturday, November 9th
8:00 PM Workplace Equality for All | theatre play
The website Mapping the Unseen
Mapping the Unseen was funded by the FWF Austrian Science Fund (AR 444-GBL), KWF Carinthian Economic Promotion Fund, Land Carinthia
Supported and hosted by University Klagenfurt and show.Rooms.
Mapping the Unseen is based on show.Rooms_global, which is an intervention in a vacancy of a city on a marginalized topic. The invited artists, artist group or scientists determine the topic. Afterwards, the project will be invited to Austria and parts of it will also be presented as an intervention..
A detailed description of Mapping the Unseen can be foundhere.
See a detailed description of the format. Räume_global can be found here.