The Team

Katrin Ackerl Konstantin, Artistic Director and Artistic Research

As a director, actress and cultural psychologist she works on interdisciplinary and inclusive, but also experimential and participative formats. Together with Rosalia Kopeinig she initiated and developed show.Rooms, co-founding also the association behind it. She does the art direction and leads the artistic research that is being carried forward by and through show.Rooms.


Barbara Ambrusch - Rapp, Co-artistic director, Curator, Scenographer, Multimedia Art

Is a freelance multimedia artist, curator and cultural worker, lives and works in Velden (A). Member of cultural associations and artist groups. School projects as well as workshops for companies, in workshops for people with disabilities and at educational institutions for children, young people and adults. Texts on art. Project organization. Present in national/international exhibitions and in art projects in the fields of performance, theater and fashion art. For show.Rooms she develops scenographies and multimedia contributions. 


Marie Lenoble, Co-artistic director, Textile Designer.

Works at the interface of art & design, i.e. her projects are sometimes more artistic, sometimes more market-oriented. Label: "HIMMEL, ARSCH & ZWIRN". Artistically she often works with installations or photography of situations, often in the duo "ONE TWO MUCH" with Martha Laschkolnig. (Photo series: FRÜHJAHRSPUTZ, "Alturnity shooting gallery to the freedom of choice, "FuckWinter: Ferris wheel with snow globes, ...) For show.Rooms she recently developed the products for Queeriling!



Kerstin Anderwald, Co-artistic director

She is a self-employed creative trainer, art therapist in training, leader of art courses, canvas painting, sewing and crochet. Among other things, she works as a costume assistant at Stadttheater Klagenfurt.  At show.Rooms she works as an co-artistic director. She creates feminist role models as puppets and designed the individualization of the art book: 10 years schau.Räume_Wirkstätte und Werkstädte.

Rosalia Kopeinig, Management and Biographical Work

Migration, interculturality and feminism are the focus of her work as a psychologist. As the co-initiator and co-founder of show.Rooms she runs the daily business of the association. Furthermore, she leads the biographical work and retrospectives that take place during the productions. As such she also prepares and accompanies the guides, whose personal life-stories provide the links to further programmatic development.


Bernadette Orasch-Horn, Coaching and Communication

She is an independent consultant for team interventions and coaching since 2014. She has international professional experience in the field of human resources development and corporate communications. Her focus is on conflict management, organizational development, development of communication or presentation concepts and organization of large events. Project work in the field of culture and education. Doctorate in philosophy in the field of intervention research.  At show.Rooms she has been part of the team and in the conceptual area since 2021.


Andreas Hudelist, Participation Research and Audiovisual Productions

As a cultural scientist his interest lies with contemporary phenomena in film, art and literature. He supports the research work of show.Rooms, does video productions and collects ideas that relate to urban space.


Alfred Rindlisbacher, Organisation and Sustainable Urban Development

As a geograph his work is focused on regional participatory research and on creation of self-organizing processes of development. Also the creative use of `blind spots´ in urban field is part of his investigation.

Maria Leeb, Applied Theatre and Theatre pedagogy

She is theologian, pedagogue und  psychotherapist. She is working in the show.Rooms team as a mediator when developing new formats in the scope of biography and applied theatre.


Amalia Contarini, Applied theater and Actress

She received her training at the Catania Academy of Art, Rome Cinecittà Campus, Impro Lega Italiana. From 2000 to 2016 she worked as an actress in Italian theaters. Since 2016 she lives in Austria and continuously participates as a performer at show.Rooms and is a clinic clown of the "Roten NASEN". In addition, she leads the exercises in the applied theater of show.Rooms.

Portraits copyright Charlotte Adel