8.März 2019 Villach AT

On the International Womens Day eight historic women of Villach and eight women living today in the town told their stories.

With the Biographical fempath I the historic figures of Elisabeth Eipek-Dinzl, Rosa Ermacora, Gertrude Gabler, Maria Gornik, Dora Kircher, Marie Leopold, Mathilde Martens and Anna Neumann came alive as Living Sculptures presented by actresses. Please find more information about the historical women in this LINK. These performed live stories in front of the houses they lived in or the streets they passed ended on the mainsquare in Villach.
With: Amrei Baumgartl, Amalia Contarini, Katrin Ackerl Konstantin, Maria Leeb, Andrea Pörtsch, Barbara Ambrusch-Rapp, Jana Thomaschütz and Isabella Weger.
Concept and realisation: Katrin Ackerl Konstantin
Co-author of the concept and directing: Barbara Kapelj
Co-author of the concept: Leja Jurisic
In cooperation with Generator Ljubljana and Pekinpah Ljubljana

The project was founded by the Austrian Bundeskanzleramt, Land Carinthia - Cultur, City of Villach - Cultur, City of Villach - Departement of Women, Soroptimistclub Villach.

A Cooperation with Generator Ljubljana and Pekinpah Ljubljana.

show.Rooms_local, is a unique performance in an empty business space or an intervention in the public space. More details about the format show.Rooms_local you find here.