show.Rooms_regional: Abwunderung
20th June till 12 July 2020 in Ferlach/Borovlje and Spittal an der Drau/Spital ob Dravi
In demographic terms, Carinthia is a shrinking region when it comes to its population. Only the central region of Carinthia is predicted to have a slightly increasing population. From all of Carinthia there is a so-called "brain drain" to other provinces, mainly Vienna and Styria. "Is Carinthia dying out?" newspapers ask and look for recipes to prevent this: "Points against emigration" want to be found and it is regretted that there are "Only few recipes against emigration". So "the South is shrinking" and this is a problem in our time of constant growth. There was a growth in the population due to immigration in 2015 and 2016, when many refugees came. show.Rooms_regional 2020 conducted artistic research in the cities of Ferlach/Borovlje and Spittal an der Drau on the subject of emigration and immigration. Asking: Who goes and why, who comes and why? What are personal stories, conditions and expectations that people in these two cities stay or go? Are there differences and similarities in these two cities that are similar in language and yet so different in terms of bilingualism? How much do people know about each other?
show.Rooms spanned a time horizon - due to CarinthiJa 2020 - that goes back from the here and now to the year 1920 and searches for motives. The connecting element between the two cities was the Frei.Raum Otelo, which is located in both cities. Otelo is an open technology laboratory in which regional community activities are given space and used for them.
show.Rooms online with link and livestream:
Due to the COVID -19 Situation, show.Rooms had to move on three evenings in the virtual room to persent the rooms:
sprach.los.Raum 1 // Concert in the Studio by Nina Polaschegg und Bruno Strobl
sprachl.los.Raum 2 // Concert in a chruch by Ingrid Mack und Apostolos Kallos
sprach.Raum 1 // Brain Drain in Carinthia, lecture in a university room by Birgit Aigner-Walder
sprach.Raum 2 // Lecture according to slovenian languange in Carinthia by Maria Clar
warte.Raum // Storytelling by Kurt Gasser, Danijela Misić, Cili Regouz, Anja Subasić, Anja Winkler, Thomas Winkler
hör.Raum // Live from the radio station of Radio Agora
show.Rooms anlaog:
These rooms wer possible to visit anlaog:
komm.Raum 1 // Installationin Ferlach by Monika Pegam and her team
komm.Raum 2 // Installation in Spittal by Edina Karac und Ulrike Bernhard
geh.Raum // Videoinstallation by Andreas Hudelist und Susanne Kremer
spiel.Raum // Performance by Katrin Ackerl Konstantin (director), Kerstin Anderwald (assistent), Maria Leeb ( assistent), Max Achatz, Amalia Contarini, Alenka Hain, Martin Schinagl, Gernot Piff (performers)
nachbar.Raum // Installation in both cities - doors in the public space- as a connection by Barbara Ambrusch Rapp
More details of the rooms you find here in the Programmfolder
schau.Stadt.Raum // reflexions and feedbacks according to sustainibility with the mayors of both cities and other intersted people according by Alfred und Ruth Rindlisbacher
edition schau.Räume // texts due to the opic of emigration by the show.Room Team, Lectorate Andreas Hudelist, Translation Amalija Maček. LINK to the publication (only in German and Slovenian)
The project is funded by Carinthija 2020, BMKÖS, Land Kärnten, Bund and Europäische Union, LAG: Nockregion and Region Unterkärnten Carnica, the cities of Ferlach/Borovlje and Spittal an der Drau and the Otelos in these towns.
show.Rooms_regional is an intervention on a marginalized topic in several vacant business premises of a city together with regional artists, scholars and associations that work on the topic. A more detailed explanation of the format can be found here.