8.March 2023 Villach AT

What history/stories connects us? On which shoulders do we stand? A participatory sculpture as a social sculpture in public space emerged from Biographical Storytelling. The possibility to join this intervention was well accepted by bypassers. Starting from the schau.Räume OFFICE + LAB at Draupromenade 6 in Villach, a sculpture in three parts was performed by players of the Angewandte Theater. A circle was formed around them, which framed the story and also transformed into a sculpture. In the previous biography workshops, the participants' stories about this topic and their personal experiences with 8 March were collected.

Storytelling performance: Amalia Contarini, Maria Leeb
Director: Katrin Ackerl Konstantin

The project was funded by: BMKÖS - Kultur, Land Kärnten - Kultur, Stadt Villach - Kultur.

show.Rooms_local, is about a performance in an empty bussiness room or an intervention in public space. More information about show.Rooms_local you can find here.