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show.Rooms is participatory art and diversity. It works with applied, biographical, immersive and documentary theater as well as performance art in our events of show.Rooms_local, _regional,_global , with regular offers, with dialogue and discourse as well as research

The focus of show.Rooms is on practices, forms of articulation, biographical locations and stories that are not told or simply covered up. The question of the “other, the discarded, the excluded” (Frahm 2015) holds the potential to depict diversity and consciously use singularities as points of friction to create a common canon. Biography Workshops are at the heart of every production. 

Spaces reflect social conditions by representing, negating or contesting them and turning them into their opposite. schau.Räume can be understood as so-called “heterotopias” according to Foucault: They are completely different places, counter-spaces, so to speak. 
They make it possible to adopt a new perspective because alternative realities of life are placed at the center. 
An intervention temporarily changes the way in which a topic is dealt with. Dealing with voids, taboo subjects, conflicts and the dark side of the urban situation opens up new perspectives on (urban) life.

In the context of participation, Bishop (2006) writes of “activation; authorship” and “comumunity” as key terms for “PARTICIPATION”. These are described as the empowering function of activation, democratization and collective responsibility within a “community”. Furthermore, the conventional “modes of artistic production and consumption in capitalism” can be questioned and irritated. Various opportunities for participation are offered within the show.Rooms: In the form of direct participation and co-creation, or also through indirect participation within the performances in public space as an audience that leaves the usual paths of spectatorship and sets itself in motion. They experience the performances in unfamiliar places, within new formats and spaces. The focus is on encounters and the exploration of a diversity-related theme.


show.Rooms is funded by: BMKÖS - Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport of the Republic of Austria; Province of Carinthia - Department of Art and Culture; City of Villach - Department of Culture and Diversity.