Biographical Queer and Fem*path V
30. January bis 10. April 2024 Klagenfurt /Celovec AT
QUERGEHEN / PREČNA STEZA: the "Biographical Queer and Fem*path 5" focussed on alternative urban histories, historical omissions and individual perspectives.
In cooperation with UNIKUM, schau.Räume developed a series of events dedicated to the visualisation of biographies in connection with marginalised social issues. To this end, biographical stories of people living in Klagenfurt/Celovec were prepared in advance in biographical workshops focussing on feminist and queer topics. Subsequently, these queer and feminist stories were realised as paths and stations in public space and made accessible to the public as guided tours. Within each guided tour, a biographical story was told that led through the public space as a path. This was performed by the workshop participants as experts of everyday life. After passing through the door installation, the audience experienced an alternative city history. The communicative memory of the city of Klagenfurt was focussed on and historical omissions in relation to representations were included. For example, a Germanist (un)rolled herstories or a radio producer whispered resistant stories into the ear, just as a* diversity expert* connected challenges and places around trans(ition) issues. (LINK to the invitation card)
The opening event was dedicated to the taboo topic of female homosexuality in Carinthia/Koroška: 1938-1945, which has not yet been researched. The lecture began with a contextualisation that gave an overview of the historical persecution of homosexuality, followed by 3 biographies to shed light on the individual experiences and challenges of these people.
Artistic direction & director: Katrin Ackerl Konstantin
Biography workshops: Rosalia Kopeinig
Historians: Alexandra Schmidt, Natascha Bobrowsky
Performers: Experts of everyday life
Collages & door installation: Barbara Ambrusch-Rapp
Press: Niki Meixner, Isabel Brugger:
Production management: Gertrud Reiterer-Remenyi, Niki Meixner
Thanks to Maria Staudegger
A production by UNIKUM & schau.Räume
The project was funded by: BMKOES, Land Kärnten Kultur, Stadt Klagenfurt Kultur.
A cooperation with the Universitätskulturzentrum UNIKUM | Kulturni center univerze v Celovcu.
show.Rooms_local, includes a one-off performance in a vacant space or an intervention in public space. You can find a detailed description of the show.Rooms_local format here.